Support is provided to FINPIN Technologies GmbH with their product Sezame ( in Austria. Sezame manages a solution with a unique patented bio-metric authentication solution. For this startup, ActiWork fulfills the role of Chief Commercial Officer and ActWork is responsible for all marketing & sales.
But what does Sezame do? Sezame innovation comes from the following areas:
✪ Globally patented remote multi-factor (bio-metric) authentication - we move the point where bio-metric authentication is physically needed to a geographically different location and device;
✪ Security by combining three separate factors: login, smartphone and a bio-metric sensor (all current solutions offered in nowadays smartphones - fingerprint / face ID supported);
✪ No passwords stored locally or in the cloud, the user's bio-metric data never leaves their smartphone - users do not spread around their bio-metric identity;
✪ End-to-end military-grade encryption;
✪ Differentiation against your competition through state-of-the-art security of user accounts and transactions;
✪ Convenience for users for saving passwords;
✪ Fraud alarm in case of an account is tampered with.
Sezame offers three remote bio-metric authentication products, ONLINE, SAFE and LOGIN.
ONLINE offers companies and users a safe and convenient service to protect their online accounts. ONLINE provides high security for platforms and their customers and uses a patented remote multi-factor (bio-metric) authentication without password (login, smartphone and bio-metric sensors). No additional hardware is required.
ONLINE addresses your challenges:
✪ Reduction of call center costs: reducing problems with tickets and password resets;
✪ Increasing online revenues: improving the customer check-out process - fewer steps and no forgotten passwords;
✪ Protection against hacking accounts: less risk reputation damage;
✪ Fraud prevention: secure customer transactions with true bio-metric authentication;
✪ Follows new EU data regulation, active as of 2018.
SAFE is the first mobile bio-metric solution to encrypt your data on any device.
✪ Prevents sensitive data from being stolen;
✪ You control who has access to your data;
✪ Wherever you store your data (USB, HDD or Cloud).
The free B2B / B2C product LOGIN, a bio-metric remote verification solution to enter your PC / laptop without using your computer password. LOGIN protects against unauthorized access:
✪ Password changes not necessary, your bio-metric ID is the key;
✪ Conventional login is still possible, but with security notification via the sezame app;
✪ Sezame does not store any information - your identity remains in the phone.